“To lead in conserving land, water, and wildlife habitat on the greater Blue Hill Peninsula. To teach and practice a stewardship ethic. To promote ecological, economic, and community health for this and future generations.”
Who We Are
We are a nationally accredited nonprofit, donor-based land conservation organization founded in 1985 by residents of the Blue Hill Peninsula in coastal Maine. We are working to conserve the farmland, forest, wetlands, and wildlife habitat needed to sustain ecological and community health in a changing climate. Our goal is to protect the resources and sense of place upon which traditional livelihood depends, and to work with our communities to embrace a stewardship ethic. We recognize the value of conserving land and water for its own sake, as well as valuing the recreational, economic, and quality-of-life benefits of conservation. By advancing this vital connection between healthy land and healthy communities, the Trust strives to be fully involved in peninsula communities through strong collaborations with our partners, including municipalities. To date, Blue Hill Heritage Trust has protected over 10,000 acres of land that will be forever stewarded for wildlife, recreation, scenic beauty, sustainable use and historical importance.
Our work is voluntary and it is forever. Please contact the Trust office if you are interested in participating as a member, volunteer, or board member. If you are interested in learning more about land conservation options, please click here.
Land Acknowledgement
Blue Hill Heritage Trust acknowledges that the land we conserve is part of the homeland of Wabanaki peoples who have lived in this region from time immemorial, and who are now sovereign tribal nations – distinct legal and political entities with the powers of self-governance and self-determination.
BHHT expresses our deepest respect for and gratitude to these original and ongoing stewards of the land, recognizing the historical and ongoing harm to their culturally important and sacred places. As an organization, we acknowledge our responsibility to establish and maintain relationships with Wabanaki peoples, and to include their voices and concerns in our conservation work. To those ends, we begin our understanding of conserved land with their long history and continued connection to this peninsula, a legacy from which we all benefit.
Staff & Board
Click these links to learn more about our Board of Directors, Staff, or Strategic Plan and Other Key Organizational Documents.

WE HAVE PROTECTED (as of 03/01/2023): 11,950 acres
FEE LANDS: 8186 acres (23 Conservation Areas)
CONSERVATION EASEMENTS: 3,761 acres (72 easements on 85 parcels)
Farmland protected: 1,860 acres (17 parcels via CE’s including assists)
DEED RESTRICTION: 10 acres (1 parcel)
ASSISTS: 298 acres (3 parcels) protected by easements held by State of Maine
Stewardship Contribution for 14-acre Jed Island
TRAILS: Approximately 31.2 miles of public access walking trails
- On fee lands: 17 trails totaling 27.2 miles
- On easement land: 7 trails totaling 2.9 miles
- 4 trail easements totaling 1.1 miles
- + 17 Miles of road for hiking, biking, skiing, etc., at Surry Forest and Meadowbrook Forest