BHCS Watershed Study Project 2019-2020

Fall of 2019, we had the pleasure of working with the 8th graders at Blue Hill Consolidated School on a Watershed Place Study.

During the study we did classroom presentations on the history of BHHT, the conserved lands in the various watersheds on the peninsula, as well as important work being done by community groups to protect and restore the health of the watershed. We also visited two distinct BHHT properties within watersheds- Ferry Landing in the Bagaduce Watershed & Patten Stream Preserve in the Patten Bay Watershed.

The final product of this program was a newsletter that each student produced about the watershed and properties they visited: The top 6 were selected based on Style/Accuracy/Grammar and Spelling/Overall Feel. These 6 winners, were invited to a special afternoon at the trust to have a pizza party and watch inspiring and fun videos about the work of environmental orgs and people doing good works around Maine and beyond.

Below are the top 6 newsletters. We hope you enjoy reading them. Our thanks to Morgan, Camdyn, Brady, Madelyn, Kathleen, and Eliza for a job well done and for providing us with these great newsletters!

Camdyn Chung    Madelyn Copithorne

Brady Hutchins    Kathleen Stephens

Morgan Clifford   Eliza Grimnes