Heart of Blue Hill Trail System

Parker Point to South Street, Murphy, and Kaiser Trails

This trail system is designed for accessibility and to provide a pleasant way to travel through Blue Hill Village on foot while getting off the busy roads. The Murphy Trail is a lovely wooded path with crushed gravel, perfect for a stroll through the woods and suitable for strollers or those with limited mobility. The Kaiser trail connects the Murphy Trail with our Parker Point to South Street Trail and is a typical wooded trail. The Parker Point to South Street Trail has been improved and now includes several new bridges, gravel-covered paths, and a long staircase up the slope coming out in between Mainescape and the Blue Hill Coop.

Trail Map

Click Here to Download Trail Map (Murphy Trail)

Click Here to Download Trail Map (Parker Point South Street)

A Connector Trail in the Village of Blue Hill

This conserved land provides an undeveloped corridor between two areas of town. The 0.5 mile trail can be used as a scenic shortcut between the South Street shopping area and Blue Hill’s village center. The trail cuts through a mixed wood forest occupying the gently sloping landscape and crosses several intermittent streams.

Location and Parking

The Parker Point Road trailhead is located at the old town fountain, 0.3 mile from Main Street. The South Street trailhead is 0.3 mile from the intersection with Route 15. Park on the road shoulder near the trailhead. The Murphy Trailhead is accessible by parking at the Blue Hill Congregational Church or along Tenney Hill/Main St (please avoid parking at the church during their service hours).


Please note: This trail crosses privately-owned land, protected by conservation easements. Public access is made possible by the generosity of the landowners. Please take extra care to stay on marked trails and leave the land as you found it.