Water & Shore Access

Conservation easement properties are protected land under an agreement with the owner of the property and the Blue Hill Heritage Trust. Easement properties with water access on this page are open to the public thanks to the generosity of the owners. Please be considerate while accessing these lands and abide to the rules each owner has asked to be followed on their property.


Blue Hill (Blue Hill Bay)

A.B. Herrick Memorial Landing

Beach access right off of E. Blue Hill Rd. (176) just outside of the town of Blue Hill. Property is owned by the Blue Hill Heritage Trust.


Brooksville (Bagaduce)

Bagaduce River Access

Located off of Bagaduce Rd. (175) in Brooksville, about 1.6 miles north on the road from the 175 and 176 intersection. Property is owned by the Blue Hill Heritage Trust.


Newbury Neck (Union River Bay)

Margaret H. Smith Easement

Stonewalls and signage help identify the Margaret Smith property located near the end of Newbury Neck Rd. This parcel of a conservation easement is mostly open land that is mainly used for views of Union River Bay, Acadia, and Mt. Desert Island. There are 500 ft. of shoreline along this property with an additional easement, owned by Marshall and Margaret Smith, extending the shoreline South another 600ft. Daytime, low impact outdoor recreational use on this property is allowed, including walking hiking, or nature observation.

Shafer Easement

The Shafer property is another conservation easement off of Newbury Neck Rd., located South of the Margaret Smith and the Marshall and Margaret Smith easement properties. Walking on the trail is permitted and parking time is limited. Daytime, low impact outdoor recreational use on this property is allowed, including walking hiking, or nature observation. Signage at the access point for this property define regulations established by the owner for public access. Views of Union River Bay, Acadia, and Mt. Desert Island are also noted on this property.


Sedgwick (Salt pond)

Bray-Smith Easement

Daytime low impact outdoor recreational uses are allowed on the property as well as carry in and out of small watercraft for access to the Salt Pond. Protection and preservation of the ecology of this land should always be in consideration when visiting this easement.

Miller-Biddle Easement

Trail and water access is open to the general public for nature observation, access to shellfish harvesting and other traditional marine uses. Low impact recreation is allowed.

Next Gen

Just off of N. Sedgwick Rd. (172) slightly north of the Sedgwick Redemption Center. Property owned by the Blue Hill Heritage Trust.


Photos taken by Jessica Crandell (2022)