All-Seasons Giving

Become an ALL-SEASONS GIVER with automatic monthly or quarterly donations!

Spreading a donation out over the year can be helpful:

  • Monthly or quarterly donations allow you to support Blue Hill Heritage Trust at a level that fits within your BUDGET.
  • Donations of $84/month or $250/quarterly make you a HERITAGE SOCIETY donor, a special category of donors who are able and willing to support our annual operating costs with unrestricted annual gifts of $1,000 or more. These donors provide critical annual financial support, receive special updates from our Executive Director, and are invited to attend annual Heritage Society member-only events.
  • Monthly and quarterly donations can be made in HONOR or MEMORY of a friend and loved one by checking off the appropriate box on the form below.

Your generous financial contributions are tax-deductible and ensure that we can continue to protect Blue Hill Peninsula’s land and water resources for generations to come.